Super Extra Special Bonus Project

Super Extra Special Bonus Project

Mission: Reflect on what the course has meant to you and how you’ve thought about things/the world/food/culture/learning/using an ePortfolio, and express your ideas in multi-genre package—probably IMovie/movie maker/Podcast.


Mac lab/DigiSpace, including:

Video camera

IMovie/movie maker

Lavalier microphones

Digital consultants

The internet

Your spacephone

Your ePortfolio

Your infinite imagination

Things to consider for a DIGITAL PRJOECT:

  • An idea: I think it could work to record your favorite food narrative and add visuals (whatever they might be) to the background (maybe like a voice over).
  • Show your process working, revising, processing, thinking about the work of this course?
  • Mining/displaying/capturing your ePortfolio/peer review as expressions of good work/growth.
  • Some expression of experiences eating this term—dining hall food reviews?
  • Thinking/rethinking about food and culture?
  • Connections back home to food and values?
  • A 10-15 min podcast with 2-3 peers focusing on 1 or more course learning outcome.
  • Interviews with other ENG 110ers, past or present.

I’m open to just about anything here as long as you are invested in the project and you pitch it to me first.

To get you started, please visit the HOF and the PODCAST page.
